In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, rapid site performance is synonymous with success. This is highlighted by Amazon's finding that every 100 milliseconds of latency can shave 1% off their sales figures. Such a striking revelation underscores the urgency of optimizing the speed of your WooCommerce site, a key determinant of online retail success. Beyond mere technical enhancements, a faster site significantly influences conversion rates and solidifies your market competitiveness.

Empirical evidence demonstrates that quick page load speeds markedly elevate conversion rates, emphasizing the critical role of performance optimization. A site that is both streamlined and responsive not only engages visitors more effectively but also increases the probability of transforming those visits into profitable actions.

Image: Site speed affect conversion rates - Source: Cloudflare


Image: Mobile page speed benchmarks - Source: Think with Google

Our meticulously designed guide to WooCommerce speed optimization combines profound industry insights with the practical know-how gained from managing lucrative e-commerce sites since 2015. We present a transparent, accessible approach to not just quicken your site’s loading times but also to bolster user interaction and raise your brand's standing in the marketplace.

Adopt our bespoke strategies to tap into the twin advantages of augmented traffic and conversion rates—cornerstones of your digital expansion. By applying the wisdom from this guide, you can expect to not only enhance customer satisfaction but also to achieve cost savings in your site's operations. This guide aims to be your guiding light, enabling you not only to keep up with but also to lead the charge in the swiftly evolving e-commerce landscape.

Evaluating the Performance and Load Times of Your WooCommerce Site

Evaluating the speed of your WooCommerce storefront is crucial, and website speed testing tools are invaluable for this assessment. Industry-standard platforms such as WebPagetest, KeyCDN, Pingdom, Google PageSpeed Insights, and GTMetrix provide in-depth evaluations of your site’s load times and identify opportunities for optimization.

Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that the metrics provided by speed testing tools are preliminary indicators; they do not exclusively determine a site's performance.

When reviewing the GTmetrix performance results for, one notes a Grade C rating. Despite this, the actual speed and user experience of the site, as experienced on various devices, are remarkably fast and user-friendly. GTmetrix Speed Test GTmetrix test result:

The true measure of performance is the actual user experience on various devices. For instance, conducting a real-world speed test using a smartphone can offer authentic insights. Navigate your store as a customer would, from adding items to the cart through to the checkout process.

This approach distinguishes actual performance from perceived performance, emphasizing that the end-user experience is paramount and often outweighs the underlying technical complexities of your website.

By focusing on both analytical benchmarks and real-world testing scenarios, you can gain a holistic view of your WooCommerce site's performance, ensuring that both speed and user experience are optimized for maximum conversion and customer satisfaction.

A detailed speed test report is your blueprint for transforming a sluggish WooCommerce site into a high-performance e-commerce engine.

How To Speed Up WooCommerce

Discover expert tips, proven strategies, and step-by-step solutions in our 2023 ultimate guide on how to speed up your WooCommerce site.

This guide isn’t just a set of instructions; it’s an odyssey through the heart of your e-commerce operations, where every second saved is a testament to your dedication to excellence.

Embrace the wisdom contained within these pages, as it leads you through a deep dive into the core of your WooCommerce site. Here, database optimization isn’t just a task—it’s an art form. You'll learn to sculpt your database into a masterpiece of efficiency, ensuring that each data retrieval is as smooth and swift as a hawk in flight.

Delve into the soul of your infrastructure, where the right hosting, CDN, theme, and plugins come together in a harmonious symphony, conducted by your expert hand. With each element fine-tuned, your site will sing a ballad of speed, inviting customers into a seamless experience that captivates and converts.

But that's not all. Your journey through this guide will also reveal the transformative power of cache plugins, those silent sentinels standing guard, ensuring your pages load with the alacrity of a sprinter at the sound of the starting gun.

This guide is your beacon through the fog of digital mediocrity. As you explore its depths, you’ll feel the rush of potential turning into reality, each page turn a step closer to achieving the kind of speed that not only delights but also retains customers, forging bonds of loyalty in the crucible of performance.

So explore this Ultimate Guide, and let it be your companion on the exhilarating path to optimizing your WooCommerce site. It's more than a journey—it's a transformation, where every millisecond shaved from your load time is a celebration of your commitment to not just meet but exceed the expectations of your discerning clientele.

1. Start with Powerful Domain Name System (DNS)

Embarking on your journey toward WooCommerce speed optimization begins with harnessing the full potential of your Domain Name System (DNS) settings. This foundational step is a game-changer, pivotal in elevating your site's speed and overall performance. Swift DNS resolution emerges as the unsung hero, significantly slashing those precious website load times and crafting an unforgettable user experience. And here's the real gem – it can supercharge your SEO rankings. Google, with its unwavering focus on site speed, acknowledges and rewards websites that prioritize swift, seamless experiences. So, dive headfirst into the world of DNS optimization, where every millisecond saved fuels your quest for digital excellence. Your WooCommerce store is poised for greatness, with speed as its trusty steed! Key Strategies for WooCommerce DNS Optimization:

  • Utilize a Premium DNS Service: Opt for a reputable DNS provider, such as Cloudflare, to ensure rapid DNS queries, which is vital for optimal site performance. Premium services often offer additional benefits, including improved security and higher uptime.
  • Activate DNS Caching: Implement DNS caching to reduce lookup times for returning visitors. This feature is commonly included in web hosting packages and can significantly improve speed.
  • Consolidate DNS Requests: Aim to minimize DNS lookups by serving your store's resources from a limited number of domains. This often involves combining scripts, stylesheets, and media files.
  • Select Anycast DNS Routing: Providers that offer Anycast DNS can decrease resolution time by directing requests to the closest server geographically, resulting in faster site responsiveness.
  • Maintain Updated DNS Records: Regular maintenance of DNS records ensures they accurately point to the correct IP addresses, preventing unnecessary resolution delays.
  • Implement GeoDNS: This feature optimizes traffic routing based on the user's location, potentially decreasing load times for a global audience.
  • Monitor DNS Performance: Use DNS monitoring tools like to routinely assess your DNS service's performance and address any issues proactively.
  • Develop a DNS Failover Plan: Establishing a secondary DNS can provide redundancy, maintaining site accessibility during primary DNS server outages.
DNS Performance - Compare the speed and uptime of enterprise and commercial DNS services _ DNSPerf

DNS Performance - Compare the speed and uptime of enterprise and commercial DNS services:

DNS Performance for Cloudflare DNS _ DNSperf

DNS Performance for Cloudflare DNS:

DNS Performance for Cloudflare DNS Performance _ DNSperf

As a WooCommerce site owner, it's important to recognize that your initial domain registration typically includes DNS services from your registrar. To make your site operational, you need to point your DNS settings to your chosen hosting provider.

Selecting a high-quality hosting provider is pivotal as it inherently addresses many of the DNS optimization strategies mentioned. The following section will delve into the importance of choosing the right host for your WooCommerce site.

By integrating these DNS optimization methods, you're setting the stage not only for a speedier WooCommerce site but also for a more secure and reliable shopping experience for your customers. A swift and smooth-running website can enhance user satisfaction, elevate conversion rates, and fortify your SEO endeavors.

2. Use High-Performance Hosting Provider

In choosing a hosting provider for a WooCommerce store, it's crucial to look beyond the basics and select a service that supports the unique demands of a dynamic e-commerce environment. WooCommerce sites are inherently active, generating large amounts of data and user-specific requests that defy standard caching practices. For instance, personalized checkout experiences cannot be cached in the same way as static content. Therefore, the hosting infrastructure must be robust enough to process these requests smoothly, regardless of the site's traffic volume.

Key Considerations for Selecting a High-Performance WooCommerce Hosting Provider:

- Automatic Daily Backups: Prioritize hosting providers that offer automatic daily backups to protect the integrity of your WooCommerce data, allowing for swift restoration if necessary.

- Advanced Security Measures: Ensure your host provides comprehensive security features like firewalls, regular backups, and secure payment processing to safeguard your store’s data.

- Data Center Proximity: Choose a host with data centers near your customer base to reduce latency and accelerate content delivery, optimizing site performance for your audience.

- Performance-Enhancing Technologies: Seek hosting services that offer Content Delivery Networks (CDN), advanced caching options, and the latest PHP versions to further improve site performance.

- Reliable Support Team Available 24/7: Access to expert support around the clock, with rapid response times and WooCommerce knowledge, is critical for maintaining your store’s uptime and addressing issues swiftly.

- Scalable Infrastructure: Look for a hosting provider with a scalable infrastructure capable of managing traffic spikes and load increases without compromising site performance.

- Server-Level Caching with WooCommerce Rules: Advanced server-level caching with rules tailored for WooCommerce can effectively manage dynamic content, improving site speed.

- Server Response Times and TTFB: Focus on hosting services with low TTFB (Time to First Byte) and quick server response times, as these are crucial for fast page loading and are considered by search engines in site ranking.

- Server Resources Assessment: Verify that the hosting plan includes adequate CPU, RAM, and storage to handle your store’s demands efficiently.

- Uptime Guarantees: Aim for a hosting provider with a high uptime guarantee to ensure your store is consistently accessible to customers.

- WooCommerce-Optimized Hosting: Choose a service that provides hosting specifically optimized for WooCommerce, including servers fine-tuned for the platform’s requirements.

Incorporating these features into your WooCommerce hosting strategy is essential for maintaining site speed, reliability, and security. A hosting provider that can offer WooCommerce-optimized server caching, scalable resources, daily backups, and expert support will position your store for success. This strategic approach not only enhances the user experience but also supports SEO and conversion rate optimization efforts. When selecting a hosting service, ensure that these critical elements are in place to facilitate a robust and resilient WooCommerce operation.

Configure WooCommerce Hosting Specification

Having delved into the essential factors for choosing a high-performance WooCommerce hosting provider, it's time to embark on a profound exploration of the specific features and technical requirements that businesses must carefully contemplate when making the critical decision of selecting a hosting provider for their cherished WooCommerce online store.

Embrace this journey with the utmost dedication, for it is the path to unlocking the full potential of your e-commerce venture.

3. Priority Time to First Byte (TTFB)

In the quest for a lightning-fast website, understanding the concept of Time to First Byte (TTFB) is your first step towards optimizing the user experience. TTFB serves as the foundational metric, the digital pioneer that sets the stage for all subsequent user experience measurements, including First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). Picture TTFB as the conductor in an orchestra, guiding each subsequent note, each visual element's appearance on your website. Its importance lies in the fact that it dictates the tempo for your user's journey. For optimal performance, your server should respond swiftly to navigation requests, ensuring that a significant majority of users, specifically the 75th percentile, experience a snappy FCP that falls within the "good" threshold. As a general guideline, most websites should aim for a TTFB of 0.8 seconds or less.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Image: Time to First Byte (TTFB) - Source:

To gain deeper insights into TTFB's impact on real user experiences, you can turn to tools like PageSpeed Insights. It provides both field and lab data, painting a vivid picture of your website's performance as seen through the eyes of your audience.

TTFB for real users is shown in the top Discover what your real users are experiencing section:

PageSpeed Insights

A subset of TTFB is shown in the Initial server response time audit report:

Image: PageSpeed Insight CrUX Report - Source: PageSpeed Insights

When it comes to attaining the pinnacle of speed for your dynamic WooCommerce website, stands as the ultimate choice. Their hosting services not only pledge the swiftest Time to First Byte (TTFB) but consistently deliver an astounding global average of a mere 100 milliseconds.

What truly sets apart, especially for dynamic WooCommerce websites, is their unwavering dedication to speed and performance. With every hosting plan, you gain access to the mighty Cloudflare Enterprise, ensuring lightning-fast content delivery. Furthermore, proudly boasts a robust infrastructure featuring 32 CPU cores and a whopping 128GB of RAM – a hosting configuration that can easily be considered among the finest in the industry.

But that's not all. goes the extra mile to turbocharge your website's speed. They utilize NVMe SSDs, an advanced storage technology that significantly accelerates data access. Redis, a high-performance caching system, is at your disposal (with Redis Pro on higher plans) to enhance responsiveness and reduce load times. To top it off, proudly features LiteSpeed's PHP, a top-tier technology known for its efficiency and speed.

In the world of dynamic WooCommerce website, where every millisecond counts, stands as a beacon of speed and performance, ensuring that your website is always ahead of the curve. TTFB

Image: Hosting Time to First Byte (TTFB)  Result - Source: has achieved an impressive TTFB of less than < 100ms.

The "Best WooCommerce Hosting" Experience

Since 2015, we've undergone numerous migrations between hosting providers in our quest for optimal performance. When it comes to selecting the ideal hosting provider, our strategy is straightforward: we turn to Google and search for "Best WooCommerce Hosting."

Best WooCommerce Hosting - Google Search

It was through this process that we discovered Kinsta. Our journey with Kinsta began on July 12, 2017, and continued for a remarkable six years, concluding on October 1, 2023. This experience has allowed us to gain invaluable insights into the world of hosting, making us well-equipped to share our expertise in WooCommerce speed optimization. Billing

From the outset, we opted for Kinsta's Business 1 Plan, priced at $100 per month, which initially provided us with 4 PHP workers per site—perfect for a standard WooCommerce site.

However, as our website continued to expand, we recognized the need for enhanced performance. In July 2019, we made the strategic decision to incorporate the Redis Add-on at an additional cost of $100.00 per month. This investment significantly boosted our site's capabilities and speed, ensuring a seamless experience for our growing user base.

Until late March 2023, we encountered a significant challenge with our website—unbearably slow loading speeds, with front-end load times exceeding 6 seconds. During this period, it became evident that Kinsta had expanded its focus into Application and Database Hosting, shifting away from their core Managed WooCommerce Hosting.

Between July 2019 and March 2023, we implemented several additional plugins while retaining the Flatsome Theme. Surprisingly, deactivating these plugins did not yield any improvements in site speed.

In our pursuit of a resolution, we decided to upgrade to the Custom Business 6 Site plan, priced at $300.00 per month. This plan provided us with 12 PHP workers per site, aiming to address our speed concerns. However, despite this upgrade, the issue persisted, and by October 1st, 2023, we remained unsatisfied with our site's performance.

Faced with the daunting combination of escalating monthly hosting expenses and a noticeable decline in our site's performance, we were compelled to seek out alternative solutions in our pursuit of the perfect "Best Managed WooCommerce Hosting" platform.

Our journey brought us to, where we initially met their audacious assertion of being "The World's Fastest WordPress Hosting" with a degree of skepticism. However, bolstered by our unwavering commitment to finding a remedy and motivated by their impressive Trustpilot score of 4.8/5, we made the resolute choice to put their services to the test.

Simple, Fast, & Secure WordPress Hosting -

We made the decision to part ways with Kinsta and transitioned our hosting to, opting for their Business plan at $100 per month. Our initial experience with left a lasting impression. proved to be a hosting powerhouse, offering an array of robust features such as unlimited PHP Workers, Redis, and Object Cache Pro—all of which were complimentary, in stark contrast to Kinsta. Most notably, swiftly improved our site's loading time, which had previously lingered at a cumbersome 6 seconds, reducing it to an impressive sub-3-second load time. Remarkably, this improvement was achieved while maintaining the same number of active plugins and staying hosted on the same data server location in Singapore.

This transformation resulted not only in a significant enhancement of our website's performance but also in substantial cost savings. On's $100 per month plan, we managed to save $200 compared to Kinsta's Custom Business 6 Site plan, priced at $300 per month and offering only 12 PHP workers.

4. Selecting the Closest Server Location

Unlocking the Key to Core Web Vitals Success: The Impact of Server Location on Your Users' Experience

In the pursuit of perfect Core Web Vitals scores, there exists a pivotal factor that can tip the scales and lead to the dreaded "Core Web Vitals Assessment: Failed" message under the revealing banner of 'Discover what your real users are experiencing.' This factor, my friends, is none other than the server's proximity to your cherished visitors.

PageSpeed Insights Core Web Vitals Assessment Failed

Image: PageSpeed Insight CrUX Report - Source: PageSpeed Insights

Let's delve into this challenge: The physical location of your server wields a profound influence on your website's performance, particularly when it comes to the elusive Time To First Byte (TTFB). This vital metric determines how swiftly your website responds to user requests.

Now, picture this scenario: If your server resides in a far-off land, distanced from the heart of your user base, it can inadvertently add seconds to your TTFB. Each user request embarks on an arduous journey, traversing vast virtual distances to reach the server and await a response. The consequence? A prolonged waiting period, a sluggish user experience, and the potential erosion of your cherished Customer Wow-factor (CWC).

But, fear not! There's a beacon of hope. The solution lies in a strategic decision – selecting a server location in close proximity to the majority of your website's visitors. For instance, if your European audience is substantial, the wisest choice would be a European server. This strategic move acts as a TTFB speed booster, setting the stage for enhanced website speed and overall performance.

If you're considering migrating to based on our strong recommendation, below you'll find their current server locations for you to choose from.

Embark on your journey to with confidence, and select the server location that suits your needs best. is proudly hosted on's Singapore data center, and we're delighted to share that our Time to First Byte (TTFB) performance, as assessed through KeyCDN's performance test across 10 distinct global locations, has been truly impressive. Singapore Data Center

Note: All test results below were conducted with only the WooCommerce plugin and the Flatsome theme activated and have not yet been optimized.

This showcases the exceptional TTFB results achieved in real-world conditions, demonstrating's commitment to optimizing WooCommerce speed and delivering a superior online shopping experience to users with international audiences.

Keycdn Performance Test : KeyCDN Performance Test

Google Page Speed Insight Test : PageSpeed Insights Result

Fine-Tune Server Environment

Once your website is successfully hosted on, it's important to note that provides a robust default server environment setting. However, given that every WooCommerce site is unique, it's advisable to assess your site's specific requirements. Seize the opportunity to establish direct communication with's expert WordPress support team. Request them to tailor the server environment to align with the specifications of your hosting plan. This proactive approach can yield substantial enhancements in the speed and overall performance of your WooCommerce website, ultimately delivering a swifter and more gratifying online shopping experience to your valued visitors. Here's how you can initiate the process:

  1. Access WooCommerce Plugin Settings: Begin by navigating to the WooCommerce plugin settings.
  2. Check WordPress and Server Environment: In the WooCommerce settings, visit the "Status" section. Here, you can review both your WordPress and server environment settings.

By taking these steps, you'll be on the path to optimizing your WooCommerce site's performance, ensuring it operates at its best to meet the unique needs of your online store and enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

WordPress and Server Enviroment

WooCommerce > Status

  1. WordPress memory limit: Maximum
  2. PHP version: Latest
  3. PHP post max size: Maximum
  4. PHP time limit: Maximum
  5. PHP max input vars: Maximum
  6. Max upload size: Maximum
  7. Object Cache Pro Cache: Maximum

5. Increase WordPress Memory Limit

Imagine the WordPress Memory Limit as the very heartbeat of your website, infusing it with life and empowering it to operate seamlessly and with boundless vitality. Just as a human thrives on a steady supply of oxygen, your website flourishes when granted an ample memory limit, enabling it to navigate the digital landscape without stumbling.

Picture your website as a vibrant, bustling kitchen, teeming with an array of skilled chefs (represented by plugins and scripts) diligently preparing an array of delectable dishes (comprising the content and features that adorn your site). The memory limit serves as the kitchen's physical expanse – it dictates not only how many chefs can harmoniously orchestrate their culinary creations but also the complexity and sophistication of the dishes they can craft.

However, when the memory limit falls short, it's akin to attempting a marathon carrying a backpack laden with heavy bricks. Your website labors, stumbles, and at times, teeters on the brink of collapse under the sheer weight of its digital responsibilities. The repercussions are evident – sluggish loading times, ominous error messages, and a user experience fraught with frustration.

In its default state, WordPress allocates a modest 32 MB of memory for PHP. During critical moments, it may stretch this allocation to 40 MB (for a single site) or 64 MB (for multisite installations). But let's face it, for the dynamic realm of WooCommerce, these memory limits often feel like a straitjacket. You might even confront a stern warning message on your dashboard, bearing chilling words:

'Allowed memory size of xxxxxx bytes exhausted.'

Yet, a ray of hope glistens on the horizon. By choosing to expand the memory limit to its maximum capacity, offered by your trusted hosting provider, you're embarking on a journey to unlock your website's true, untapped potential. Always remember, caution is your ally – safeguard your journey with a backup of every file before venturing into the realm of editing. With this safety net securely in place, you can boldly and confidently make the necessary adjustments, infusing new life into your website.

In essence, the WordPress Memory Limit stands as the guardian of your website's vigor, ensuring it breathes freely, unburdened by constraints. By doing so, it gifts your valued visitors a seamless, gratifying experience – an experience that leaves an indelible mark. It's the master key that unlocks your website's boundless potential, allowing it to radiate brilliance in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

WooCommerce status ‹ — WordPress

6. Upgrade to the Latest PHP Version

Elevate your WooCommerce store's speed and secure your online presence by upgrading to the latest PHP version. PHP, the backbone of WordPress and WooCommerce, continually evolves with each release, offering significant improvements in performance and security that can boost your website's efficiency and rankings.

Key Benefits of the Latest PHP Version for WooCommerce:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Newer PHP versions are optimized for speed, executing code more efficiently, resulting in faster page load times. This not only enriches the user experience but also encourages extended engagement with your store.
  2. Robust Security: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, it's crucial to maintain the latest PHP version, which includes fixes for security vulnerabilities, thus reinforcing your store's defenses and upholding customer confidence.
  3. Modern Features Access: Each update in PHP introduces features that refine code quality and lower resource use. By updating, you ensure that your WooCommerce store remains compatible with cutting-edge features and plugins, harnessing the full potential of modern eCommerce technology.
  4. Continual Support: Plugin and theme developers often limit support to more recent PHP versions due to constraints in testing backward compatibility. Staying current with PHP helps prevent common errors that can disrupt your site's functionality, ensuring a smoother operation and better support from developers.

Common Issues with Outdated PHP Versions:

  • Compatibility Errors: Older PHP versions can cause syntax errors or unexpected function issues, leading to disruptions in your WooCommerce operations. These are evident in the WordPress support forums, where thousands of threads are dedicated to issues stemming from outdated PHP.
  • Plugin Conflicts: As developers focus on adapting to the newest PHP versions, plugins may no longer function correctly with older PHP, resulting in errors and potential security risks.

Upgrading to the latest PHP version is not just a technical upgrade; it's an investment in your WooCommerce store's future. With improved speed, security, access to modern features, and ongoing support, your store can provide a superior user experience, gain better SEO rankings, and ensure a secure shopping environment. Keep your store at the forefront of eCommerce technology and customer trust by regularly updating your PHP version.

PHP_ PHP 8.1.0 Release Announcement

Image: PHP 8.1.0 Release Announcement - Source:

Verify Your WooCommerce Store's PHP Version

For users with WordPress 5.0 or higher, finding your PHP version is a simple process. Navigate to 'Tools' in your WordPress dashboard, select 'Site Health,' click 'Info,' and look under 'Server' to view your PHP details.

Site Health - Info ‹ WOOROCKET.COM — WordPress

Alternatively, access this information directly within WooCommerce by going to 'WooCommerce,' then 'Status,' and checking the 'Server Environment' section.

WooCommerce status ‹ WOOROCKET.COM

How to update PHP to the latest version

Here's a professional guide on testing your WordPress site for compatibility before taking the plunge with a PHP upgrade. Most site owners will enjoy a seamless transition without any downtime, requiring minimal effort.

However, for some, additional steps such as testing, troubleshooting, or even enlisting a WordPress expert may be necessary to ensure full compatibility. For those eager to update their PHP version immediately on their live environment, you may proceed directly to Step 5. Nonetheless, it is wise to follow each of the recommended steps to guarantee a smooth update, especially if you're operating on an older platform like PHP 7.4.

5 Essential Steps to Safely Upgrade PHP for Your WooCommerce Site:

  1. Create a Staging Site
  2. Switch to the Latest PHP Version
  3. Conduct Comprehensive Site, Theme and Plugin Audits
  4. Push Staging to Live
  5. Perform Live Site PHP Update

Fortunately, switching to the latest PHP version using is straightforward.

However, it is always advisable to create a backup before making any changes to your PHP configuration. This precautionary step ensures that, should you encounter any errors during the switch, you can easily revert to the previous state.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a backup on

  1. Log in to your dashboard.
  2. Select the specific site you want to work on.
  3. Navigate to the "Manage" section.
  4. Click on "Backups."
  5. Next, choose "Create Backup."
  6. You'll be prompted to provide a "Backup Label." It's a good practice to use a label that includes the date, time, order number, and a brief description of the backup purpose. For example: "10102023 15.20pm #15021 Backup Before PHP Version Switch." While this label may seem lengthy, it ensures that you can easily identify the backup's purpose and timeline.
  7. Additionally, make sure to tick both "Backup Files" and "Backup Database" options to ensure a comprehensive backup.
  8. Confirm your selections and initiate the backup process. Dashboard Backup Create Backup

Step 1 - Create a Staging Site

Prioritize the creation of a staging site as the first step in upgrading to the latest PHP version for your WooCommerce store. This isolated testing ground is crucial for trialing new PHP releases, allowing you to rigorously test and confirm their compatibility without risk to your live website. A staging environment is a pivotal practice for preserving uninterrupted site performance and stability when implementing significant updates or modifications. Create a Staging Site

Step 2 - Switch to the Latest PHP Version

Once you have created a staging site, you'll be equipped to upgrade to the latest PHP version with absolute confidence. This proactive strategy ensures the uninterrupted operation of your WooCommerce store, providing an optimal shopping experience for your valued customers.

Now, let's proceed with the PHP version update:

  1. Go to your site's dashboard and navigate to "Advanced."
  2. Click on "PHP Version."
  3. Select the latest PHP version available.

As of now, the most current PHP version supported by is PHP Version 8.1

Step 3 - Conduct Comprehensive Site, Theme and Plugin Audits

Once your staging site is live with the updated PHP version, a detailed performance review is essential. Navigate through your WordPress site, engaging with various elements and observing for errors or interruptions. If you encounter a 500-series error or a white screen, it suggests a compatibility issue, likely with a plugin or theme.

The solution is to deactivate all third-party plugins and then reactivate them one by one, a strategy that efficiently identifies the source of the problem while preserving the integrity of your live site. This meticulous audit ensures that any changes made to the PHP version will not negatively impact your WooCommerce store's user experience.

Should challenges persist, reaching out to Expert WordPress Support offers direct access to professional assistance, ensuring any complexities are resolved with expert guidance.

Step 4 - Push Staging to Live

After rigorously testing and updating your WooCommerce site on a PHP staging environment, you may find that changes are necessary for your plugins or themes. You have two options: deploy the entire staging site to your live environment or replicate the specific adjustments on your live site individually.

For those who have made extensive modifications in the staging area to ensure PHP compatibility, utilizing the 'push to live' feature is a time-efficient solution. To proceed, select your staging environment and utilize the 'Push Staging to Live' function.

For any assistance or inquiries about updating the PHP version on your WordPress site, the Expert WordPress Support team is available to help guide you through the process. Their expertise can help you navigate any complexities and ensure a smooth transition to the latest PHP version, keeping your WooCommerce site fast and reliable.

Step 5 - Perform Live Site PHP Update

With all preparatory measures complete and your WooCommerce site primed for the PHP upgrade, it's time to implement the change on your live environment. Follow the procedure established in Step 2: navigate to the 'Advanced' section, select 'PHP Version', and then choose the latest PHP iteration available.

This step finalizes the optimization of your WooCommerce store, ensuring it runs on the most current and efficient version of PHP, delivering speed and security enhancements that are essential for a competitive eCommerce presence.

In summary, ensuring that your WooCommerce store runs on the latest PHP version is a critical component of performance optimization. Prioritizing regular backups and meticulously adhering to the steps outlined above will not only safeguard your online store but also minimize the potential for any disruptive incidents. Keeping your store up-to-date ensures it remains in peak condition to meet the demands of your online shoppers. Pricing

After transitioning our hosting to, we observed a substantial surge in our bandwidth usage, exceeding the capacity provided by's Managed Hosting Business plan, originally priced at $100 per month and offering 300GB of bandwidth. This notable increase in web traffic highlighted the inherent benefits of's powerful hosting infrastructure.

Recognizing the necessity for more extensive resources, we made the strategic decision to upgrade to's Agency Hosting Tier 2, available at a monthly rate of $200. This tier came with the invaluable advantage of accommodating our growing audience seamlessly through unmetered visitor traffic.

Upon completing the upgrade, we engaged's proficient WordPress support team to optimize both WordPress and server environment settings in accordance with the specifications of our hosting plan. This meticulous fine-tuning ensured the utmost performance for our WooCommerce website, contributing to a seamless and lightning-fast online shopping experience for our visitors.

We strongly recommend monitoring the cache size of Object Cache Pro on your WooCommerce site. In one instance, our WooCommerce site's cache size approached approximately 989 MB out of 1 GB without any cache flushing over time.

Recognizing the need for additional caching capacity, we initiated a direct chat with's expert WordPress support team. They promptly and seamlessly increased the Object Cache Pro cache size by another 1 GB without hesitation. This responsiveness exemplifies's genuine commitment to optimizing your site's performance, ensuring a smoother and faster user experience for your visitors.

Object Cache Pro

7. Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Preload

Implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) can significantly enhance the security and performance of a WooCommerce store. HSTS is a response header that instructs browsers to exclusively use secure HTTPS connections, which prevents downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking. To be effective, a website must maintain a valid HTTPS configuration to avoid accessibility issues. This includes using a valid certificate, redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS, and serving all subdomains over HTTPS with specific HSTS headers. Inclusion in the HSTS Preload list further reinforces security by pre-empting potential attacks on the first request. Adhering to these security measures not only fortifies a website's defense but also contributes to the site's speed by ensuring consistent use of HTTPS, which is often faster than HTTP. For a WooCommerce site, this translates to improved load times, better user experience, and enhanced SEO performance. To verify your domain's HSTS preload status and eligibility, visit

HSTS Preload List Submission

Step by step guide to enable HSTS Preload:

1. Register an account with Cloudflare, if not already done, and add your site by entering your domain name, then proceed by selecting the Cloudflare Free plan.

Cloudflare Add Site
Cloudflare Free Plan

2. Navigate to SSL/TLS settings, access 'Edge Certificates', and activate HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

3. Acknowledge your understanding of the implications by ticking the confirmation box, then continue to the next step.

Cloudflare Acknowledgement

4. Configure the following essential settings and click save:

-Enable HSTS for a more secure connection.

-Set the 'Max Age Header' to at least 12 months for sustained security.

-Enable Apply the HSTS policy to subdomains to ensure comprehensive protection.

-Enable Preload

-Enable the No-Sniff Header to safeguard against MIME-type sniffing.

Remember to thoroughly review all HSTS preload configurations to ensure they align with your site's specific requirements before enabling them.

After successfully configuring HSTS Preload on Cloudflare, the settings will be displayed as follows.

Cloudflare HSTS Preload Setting

Navigate to, enter your domain in the provided field, and then click on the "Check HSTS Preload Status and Eligibility" button.

HSTS Preload List Submission setting

Tick both "I am the site owner of domain or have their permission to preload HSTS." and "I understand that preloading through this form will prevent all subdomains and nested subdomains from being accessed without a valid HTTPS certificate"

Then, proceed by clicking the "Submit to the HSTS Preload List" button.

HSTS Preload List Submission step

Upon submission, a confirmation message will appear, indicating that 'domain' is now pending inclusion in the HSTS preload list.

HSTS Preload List Submission Success

To verify the status, click again on the "Check HSTS Preload Status and Eligibility" button, and your site's status will be displayed as follows:

Status: [domain name] is pending submission to the preload list.

HSTS Preload List Submission status

In due course, your site's status will update to reflect "Status: [domain name] is currently preloaded."

Many e-commerce leaders, including, have implemented the HSTS preload feature on their domains to enhance security and consumer trust.

Finalize the HSTS Preload configuration for your WordPress site by enabling the HSTS Preload header.

Please back up your full site before accessing the .htaccess file.

Access the .htaccess file with ease directly from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard.
  2. Select your site and navigate to 'Manage'.
  3. Open 'File Manager' and locate the .htaccess file.
  4. Click to edit the .htaccess file.
  5. Paste the provided code snippet at the top of the file's content.
  6. Ensure you copy the code accurately by using the "COPY CODE" button.
  7. Save the changes to implement HSTS Preload.

Copy the .htaccess code below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”


<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"


Ensure that the max-age parameter in your code aligns with the duration set in the Max Age Header on Cloudflare.

For instance, if a 6-month period was selected, update the max-age value in your code to max-age=15769728 to accurately represent this interval, as the max-age value is calculated in seconds. File Manager

Verify the correct functioning of your HSTS Preload header on the front end with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your website.
  2. Right-click and select 'Inspect'.
  3. Go to the 'Network' tab.
  4. Check 'Disable Cache'.
  5. Refresh the page.
  6. Click on the first resource in the list to view its headers.

If the HSTS Preload header has been successfully implemented, it will be visible in the 'Response Headers' section.

HSTS Preload Respond Header

8. Optimize wp_options table database

Unlocking speed and optimizing performance in WooCommerce hinges on strategically optimizing the wp_options table. This crucial step is vital for launching new sites and enhancing older, larger ones, ensuring peak responsiveness and swift navigation. The Importance of wp_options: For owners of new WooCommerce sites, early focus on wp_options optimization paves the way for seamless performance. Meanwhile, for those managing established, larger sites, addressing bloated wp_options is essential to maintain speed and efficiency. Combating Slow Queries: For substantial WooCommerce sites, a congested wp_options table can lead to slow query times, typically due to residual autoloaded data from third-party plugins and themes. Prioritizing wp_options cleanup can mitigate these performance issues, ensuring a smoother user experience. Through a clear understanding and effective implementation of wp_options optimization, you can elevate your WooCommerce site's speed and overall performance, boosting user engagement and conversion rates.

What is the wp_options table?

The `wp_options` table is a fundamental part of the WordPress database structure. It plays a crucial role in storing various settings, configurations, and options for your WordPress website. These options can be related to the site's general settings, appearance, plugins, and more. Here are some key points about the `wp_options` table:

1. Storage of WordPress Settings: The table stores a wide range of settings and configurations that are essential for the proper functioning of your WordPress website. These settings can include site title, site URL, default time zone, and more.

2. Plugin and Theme Data: Plugins and themes often utilize the `wp_options` table to store their specific settings and data. This allows plugins and themes to persistently store and retrieve information needed for their functionality.

3. Customization Options: Many theme and plugin developers use the `wp_options` table to store user-customized settings, such as theme colors, widget configurations, and plugin preferences. This enables users to customize their WordPress sites to suit their specific needs.

4. Caching and Optimization: Some caching and optimization plugins also use the `wp_options` table to store cache-related data and configuration options. This can help improve website performance by reducing page load times.

5. Option Name-Value Pairs: Data in the `wp_options` table is typically stored as name-value pairs. Each row in the table represents a specific option, with a unique name and associated value. This structure allows for easy retrieval of specific settings and options.

6. Database Maintenance: Over time, the `wp_options` table can accumulate a significant amount of data, including unused or outdated options. It's important to periodically clean and optimize this table to maintain database efficiency and prevent unnecessary bloat.

In summary, the `wp_options` table is a vital component of the WordPress database, responsible for storing a wide range of settings, configurations, and options that are essential for the proper functioning of your WordPress website. Developers, plugins, and themes use this table to persistently store and retrieve data, enabling WordPress sites to be highly customizable and functional.

Wp_options Table

Before delving into the intricacies of WooCommerce speed optimization, it's imperative to acknowledge the wp_options table's role in your site's performance. As a best practice, always initiate a complete backup before integrating any new themes or plugins.

It's a common scenario to install plugins to extend functionality, but sometimes they fall short of expectations. In such instances, removal of the plugin is necessary. However, it's crucial to note that not all plugins are equipped with a "Clean Uninstall" option. A standard deletion might not remove the plugin's data from the wp_options table, especially if it's marked to autoload. This oversight can lead to increased load times and a sluggish wp_options table.

To maintain optimal performance and speed of your WooCommerce site, it's essential to ensure that plugins are fully cleared from your system upon uninstallation. This will prevent unnecessary data from accumulating and keep your wp_options table lean and efficient, contributing to a faster, more responsive site.

Remember, the attention you pay to the wp_options table can have a significant impact on your WooCommerce site's speed and user experience.

Clean Uninstall Feature

How to access wp_options table via

Embarking on the journey to optimize your WooCommerce site begins with a crucial precaution: backing up your data. Prior to making any adjustments to the wp_options table through phpMyAdmin, it's essential to follow a comprehensive backup procedure.

Please adhere to the backup guidelines mentioned previously to ensure your site's integrity. It's worth emphasizing that phpMyAdmin is a tool designed for those with advanced technical knowledge. Without the necessary expertise, tampering with database entries can lead to significant issues. Exercise caution and refrain from deleting entries unless you are confident in your understanding of the database structure.

For those utilizing hosting services, accessing phpMyAdmin is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Select the desired site.
  3. Click on 'Manage'.
  4. Go to the 'Advanced' section.
  5. Launch phpMyAdmin.

By meticulously following these steps and ensuring a secure backup, you can proceed with optimizing your WooCommerce site's performance while minimizing risks. Remember, when it comes to database management, precision and caution are your allies in maintaining a fast and efficient online store. phpMyAdmin

Accessing the wp_options Table via phpMyAdmin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Upon entering phpMyAdmin for your WooCommerce site's database optimization, your immediate action should be to locate and select the wp_options table. Follow these instructions for a direct approach:

  1. Open phpMyAdmin.
  2. Navigate directly to the wp_options table in your WordPress database.

It's essential to proceed with caution, as interactions within phpMyAdmin require a certain level of expertise in database management. Accurate handling of the wp_options table is key to optimizing your WooCommerce site’s performance effectively.

phpMyAdmin wp_options table

The wp_options table is a vital component in the database of any WooCommerce website, hosting several fields that are pivotal for site configuration and performance. Key among these fields are:

  • option_id: A unique identifier for each record within the table.
  • option_name: The name of the option or setting.
  • option_value: The stored value for the given option or setting.
  • autoload: Indicates whether the option should be loaded automatically by WordPress.

For performance optimization, the autoload field is particularly noteworthy. This field dictates whether specific data is pre-loaded on every page load, which can significantly impact site speed.

wp_options table autoloaded

Autoload Data Optimization in wp_options Table

Optimizing your WooCommerce store's speed is fundamentally linked to managing the wp_options table in WordPress efficiently. The table's 'autoload' column is critical for your site's performance, flagging data to either be loaded on every page through the wp_load_alloptions() function or not. While developers set the autoload attribute to “yes” by default, it’s not always necessary for every plugin to load its data on every page.

Autoloaded data with a 'yes' flag plays a dual role. It ensures important data is instantly accessible, which is beneficial for site functionality, but it can also decrease site speed if not managed judiciously. For WooCommerce stores, where quick navigation is crucial for a positive user experience, effective management of autoloaded data is essential.

The cornerstone of WooCommerce speed optimization lies in conducting a detailed audit of autoloaded data. By setting only the critical data to autoload 'yes', you can lessen the load on resources and expedite page loading times. This strategic filtering is key to enhancing page speed and ensuring a frictionless shopping experience for your customers.

Additionally, regular scrutiny for leftover data from uninstalled plugins or themes is imperative. If such data remains set to autoload, it could generate unnecessary queries on each page load, which slows down site performance. Systematic cleaning of the wp_options table is necessary to avoid these pitfalls, thereby sustaining the responsiveness of your WooCommerce site.

Identify wp_options Autoload Data

In the following example, we feature a WooCommerce site that has been operational for six years and currently runs with 50 active plugins, with a focus on optimizing the wp_options table since day one.

Step 1: Check Autoloaded Data Size 

The first step is to check the size of the currently autoloaded data on your WordPress site.

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than 'wp_', you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the "{} COPY CODE"

SQL query

SELECT SUM(LENGTH(option_value)) as autoload_size FROM wp_options WHERE autoload='yes';


Click on your wp_ options on the left-hand side, then select the SQL tab. Input the SQL query command you have copied and click 'Go'.

Running the SQL query in your WordPress database discloses the autoload data size in bytes. Given that 1 kilobyte (KB) equals 1024 bytes, and 1 megabyte (MB) is equivalent to 1024 KB, grasping the magnitude of your autoloaded data is critical for site performance.

Our case study features a mature, six-year-old WooCommerce site with 50 plugins, presenting an autoload size of 230,565 bytes, which is approximately 0.25 MB.

This figure is well within the optimal range for WooCommerce speed efficiency. An autoload data size under 1 MB is considered ideal, keeping your site nimble and responsive. In the realm of WooCommerce speed, less autoloaded data typically means more efficiency, ensuring a swift and smooth user experience. Exceeding this threshold suggests that it's time to optimize, as larger autoload sizes can slow down your site.

Step 2: Sort Top Autoloaded Data

The second step is to verify the top items that have autoloaded data. Using the SQL query command below, you can modify 'DESC LIMIT 10;' to 'DESC LIMIT 20;' if you wish to retrieve the top 20 items with autoloaded data.

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than 'wp_', you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the "{} COPY CODE"

SQL query

SELECT option_name, length(option_value) AS option_value_length FROM wp_options WHERE autoload='yes' ORDER BY option_value_length DESC LIMIT 10;


wp_options autoloaded top 10

Step 3: Identify the Top Autoloaded Data by 'option_name'.

Upon examining the results of the top autoloaded SQL query, it becomes evident that wpseo_taxonomy_meta holds the largest amount of data. To enhance your WooCommerce store's speed, it's crucial to identify the source of such heavy autoloaded entries.

To determine which plugin or theme the wpseo_taxonomy_meta option_name is associated with, simply copy the name and perform a Google search. This will reveal the origin of the autoload data, allowing you to make informed decisions about managing or optimizing the autoloaded options.

wpseo_taxonomy_meta - Google Search

Based on the Google search results, the 'wpseo_taxonomy_meta' option_name is associated with the Yoast plugin, which is presently active on the website. Therefore, it should not be deleted.

Proceed to examine each 'option_name' systematically using the previously outlined method.

Upon confirming that an 'option_name' is not affiliated with any active plugins, make a record of the 'option_name' prior to initiating the cleanup process for that specific 'wp_option' table.

For example, we identified a 'wp_option' table associated with the Jetpack plugin, which we uninstalled a while back. Despite the uninstallation, the plugin's 'wp_option' table, containing autoloaded entries, still exists.

jetpack wp_option

Step 4: Delete 'wp_option' table left by an uninstalled plugin or theme

After a detailed audit reveals that certain 'wp_options' entries are no longer linked to active plugins or themes, removing these entries is recommended to ensure database optimization. This action can lead to improved load times and heightened website efficiency.

For example, having verified that the 'wp_options' entries for the Jetpack plugin are inactive, we can confidently proceed with their removal.

Prior to making any changes, it is crucial to create backups of your database to safeguard against data loss.

To tailor the SQL query for your needs, substitute '%jetpack%' with the relevant option_name.

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%jetpack%'


The SQL query provided above intentionally omits the condition WHERE autoload = 'yes' to ensure the complete removal of all 'wp_options' rows associated with Jetpack, including those where autoload = 'no'.

You can then select all of the rows associated with Jetpack and click on 'Delete'.

Note: Please be vigilant and review the 'wp_option' table rows thoroughly prior to deletion.

For example, as demonstrated below, we have not selected the rows associated with 'wcbloat_jetpack_blaze_disable', 'wcbloat_jetpack_disable', and 'wcbloat_jetpack_installation_disable', since these are linked to the active plugin 'Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce'.

jetpack wp_option delete

5. Identify all autoloaded data

In the final step of our WooCommerce speed optimization process, we conduct a comprehensive review of all autoloaded data within the wp_options table. This meticulous examination aims to uncover any elements that may have been overlooked in previous steps.

Identifying and addressing these can reveal additional opportunities to enhance the performance of your website, ensuring a swift and seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `autoload` = 'yes'


For efficient navigation through the wp_options table, you can sort the option_id column in ascending order, starting from 1. Additionally, setting the number of rows to display to 500 allows for a more streamlined review process, enabling you to effortlessly examine each data entry within the table. This method simplifies the task of identifying and managing the autoloaded data crucial for optimizing your WooCommerce site's performance.

Should you prefer a more automated approach, consider utilizing the following SQL query command

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `autoload` = 'yes' ORDER BY `wp_options`.`option_id` ASC


For streamlined WooCommerce database management, leverage the `option_id` and `option_name` columns to identify groups of related entries.

For example below, after installing the WooCommerce plugin, you will see that the option_id ranges from 351 to 355, with the option_name 'woocommerce' which  highlighted in blue boxes.

Similarly, after installing the Pre* Party Resource Hints plugin, a related batch of entries appears, ranging from option_id 370 to 381, with option_name prefixes starting with 'pprh_' which highlighted in red box.

When a consistent sequence of `option_id` with matching `option_name` prefixes is found, especially after confirming that the plugins in question have been uninstalled, these entries can be safely removed.

This practice enhances the early detection and elimination of superfluous data, thus improving your database’s efficiency.

However, bear in mind that as plugins or theme are updated, they may generate new `option_id` and `option_name` values.

To thoroughly search and selectively remove transients from the wp_options table, you can utilize the following SQL command:

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%jetpack%'


Safe to delete wp_options data 

- Transient 

Transients in WordPress and WooCommerce serve as temporary data stores, enhancing efficiency by caching data for swift retrieval and reducing the need for complex database queries or recalculations.

These transients are capable of holding a variety of data types, such as API call results, responses from complex functions, and database query outcomes. However, they may persist beyond their intended lifespan due to technical issues, such as missed cron jobs, resulting in database clutter.

Managing transients effectively is crucial for maintaining a fast and responsive WooCommerce store. This process includes employing an object caching system for improved handling of transient data. To avoid performance lags, transients are not set to autoload by default, as excessive data loading on every page request can slow down the site. It is therefore necessary to periodically run SQL queries to check for and clear autoloaded transients, ensuring a more efficient database and faster loading times, which contribute to a better user experience.

It is generally safe to delete WordPress and WooCommerce transients since they are designed to be temporary, and their removal does not affect website functionality. Although deleting transients may initially slow down the website as data is regenerated, the long-term benefits of removing old transients that slow down your database typically outweigh this temporary inconvenience.

For the automatic and safe clearing of transients, consider using caching or performance plugins, such as FlyingPress, which we will explain in detail subsequently. Always ensure you back up your database before performing any cleanup to protect against potential issues.

We also advise conducting regular audits of your wp_options table to eliminate old transients that may not have been removed automatically.

To thoroughly search and selectively remove transients from the wp_options table, you can utilize the following SQL command:

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%transient%'


Delete wp_option table transients

- WordPress Sessions

WordPress utilizes session cookies, temporary data stores without an expiry date, to enhance site visits. These sessions enable swift user verification, especially during login, by storing authentication details to streamline subsequent access to the WordPress admin dashboard.

Moreover, WordPress’s stateless nature, supported by session cookies, ensures that each user interaction is treated independently, without relying on data from previous sessions. This approach, while efficient, can encounter issues if cron jobs responsible for cleaning up session data fail, leading to an overloaded wp_options table with excessive rows, which can significantly bloat the database and slow down the website.

To maintain a high-performance WooCommerce site, it is essential to regularly monitor and optimize your database, ensuring sessions are correctly managed and expired data is purged.

To thoroughly search for and selectively remove wp_session entries from the wp_options table, you can utilize the following SQL command:

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%_wp_session_%'


For the SQL queries mentioned previously, should you discover that the wp_options table in your database contains rows that are excessively large and contribute to bloat, you may alter the query by replacing SELECT * with DELETE.

This modification will facilitate the removal of all targeted rows in a singular action.

Employ the DELETE SQL command solely after you have conclusively determined which oversized rows need to be eliminated, in order to prevent any accidental loss of data.

Note: If your WordPress site utilizes a prefix other than ‘wp_’, you may need to modify the above query accordingly

Copy the SQL query command below by clicking the “{} COPY CODE”

SQL query

DELETE FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%_wp_session_%'


9. Disable WooCommerce Usage Tracking

WooCommerce's usage tracking system collects non-sensitive data about your store, such as technical configuration, user behavior, and feature usage. This data is invaluable for WooCommerce's development, enabling improvements and new features that cater to user needs. However, it's essential to balance these benefits with the potential impact on site speed.

The Impact on Store Speed

Enabling WooCommerce Usage Tracking results in additional external requests to (approximately 4.5 kB) and (around 153 B). Though these figures might seem small, they contribute to the total load time of your site. In the fast-paced online world, even a fraction of a second can make a difference in user experience and SEO rankings.

WooCommerce Usage Tracking Script

Why Disable Usage Tracking for Speed Optimization?

  1. Improved Load Times: Disabling usage tracking can reduce the load on your server, leading to faster page load times.
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Some store owners prefer to have more control over the data shared, and disabling tracking enhances privacy.
  3. Streamlined Operations: Fewer background processes mean a more streamlined operation of your WooCommerce store.

How to Disable WooCommerce Usage Tracking

If you decide that the slight speed advantage outweighs the benefits of data collection, you can disable this feature.

Please navigate to the WooCommerce section within your WordPress dashboard and follow this path: WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Here, you will find the option to 'Enable Usage Tracking.' Simply uncheck this box to opt-out of data sharing.

Disable WooCommerce Usage Tracking

Disable WooCommerce Usage Tracking

WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > > Usage Tracking

  1. Navigate to the Admin Area: Log into your WordPress admin area.
  2. Access WooCommerce Settings: Go to WooCommerce > Settings.
  3. Go to Advanced Settings: Click on the 'Advanced' tab.
  4. Find Settings: Select '' and look for the 'Show Suggestions' option.
  5. Disable Usage Tracking: Uncheck the box to stop sharing data with WooCommerce.

10. Implementing DNS Prefetching

In the realm of WooCommerce speed optimization, understanding and implementing DNS prefetching is key. This technique addresses one of the critical aspects of web performance - reducing latency in DNS resolution, especially when dealing with resources from third-party servers.

The Importance of DNS Prefetch in Speed Optimization

  • DNS Resolution and Latency: Every time a browser needs to fetch a resource from a third-party server, it must first resolve the server's domain name into an IP address, a process known as DNS resolution. While DNS caching can mitigate some delay, the resolution time can still add noticeable latency to each request.
  • Impact on Loading Performance: For WooCommerce sites that connect to numerous third-party domains - such as payment gateways, analytics tools, or content delivery networks - the cumulative latency from DNS resolution can significantly impact overall loading times.

DNS Prefetch: A Solution for Faster Resource Loading

  • Prefetching Third-Party Domains: DNS prefetch allows the browser to perform DNS lookups in the background for external domains before they are explicitly needed. This proactive approach ensures that when a resource from a third-party server is required, its DNS resolution is already complete, thereby reducing wait times.
  • Enhancing User Experience: By decreasing the time taken to load third-party resources, DNS prefetch contributes to a smoother and faster user experience. This is particularly crucial for WooCommerce stores, where each second of delay can impact customer satisfaction and conversion rates.
  • SEO Advantages: Faster page load times, as a result of optimized DNS resolution, can lead to better search engine rankings. Search engines prioritize user experience, and a key component of this is website speed.

The leading e-commerce site,, also implements DNS prefetching on their site.


Image: DNS Prefetching Header on Source:

Note: Please right-click on the content of, avoiding the banner, and select 'View Page Source:

Implementing DNS Prefetching for WooCommerce Optimization:

Let's explore how the tags <meta http-equiv='x-dns-prefetch-control' content='on'> and <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://" crossorigin> contribute to speed optimization in WooCommerce.

  1. Meta Tag for DNS Prefetch Control: The tag <meta http-equiv='x-dns-prefetch-control' content='on'> placed in the head section of your HTML document enables DNS prefetching. This simple line of code can significantly reduce DNS resolution time for various external resources.
  2. Link Tag for Specific Domain Prefetch: The tag <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://" crossorigin> is used to specify which external domains you want the browser to prefetch. It's particularly useful for resources that are crucial to your site's performance, such as content delivery networks (CDNs) or external APIs.

To enable DNS prefetching in WooCommerce, insert the following tag into the <head> section of your HTML document.

  • Place the Meta Tag Correctly: Ensure the <meta http-equiv='x-dns-prefetch-control' content='on'> tag is placed within the <head> section of your site's HTML.

<meta http-equiv='x-dns-prefetch-control' content='on'>

  • Identify Key External Resources: Use <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="[URL]" crossorigin> for each important external domain. Replace [URL] with the actual URL of the resource you want to prefetch.

11. Implementing Preconnect

Implementing the 'Preconnect' resource hint plays a pivotal role in enhancing WooCommerce Speed Optimization. This technique excels beyond the capabilities of DNS Prefetch by proactively establishing multiple connections ahead of time. It is a crucial resource hint that significantly boosts site performance through efficient management of HTTP connections.

Understanding 'Preconnect' in Speed Optimization

  • Proactive Connection Establishment: 'Preconnect' is a resource hint that instructs the browser to establish an HTTP connection to a domain before the browser even realizes the need to make this connection. This anticipatory action includes several critical steps:
    • DNS Lookup: Resolving the domain name to an IP address.
    • TCP Connection: Establishing the basic network connection.
    • TLS Negotiation: Setting up a secure connection if the site is using HTTPS.
  • Time-Saving Mechanism: These processes can take a significant amount of time, ranging from tens to hundreds of milliseconds. By preconnecting, these steps are completed in advance, paving the way for faster resource loading when the browser requires them.

Image: Assist the browser with resource hints - Source:

The Advantage of 'Preconnect' Over DNS Prefetch

  • Comprehensive Connection Setup: While DNS Prefetch resolves domain names into IP addresses, 'Preconnect' goes further by establishing a complete connection setup. This includes the DNS lookup, TCP handshake, and TLS negotiation, thus ensuring that when the browser needs to download a resource, the required connection is already in place.
  • Enhanced Loading Speed: The preemptive setup of these connections through 'Preconnect' markedly reduces the load times for external resources, contributing significantly to a more efficient and user-friendly shopping experience on your WooCommerce site.

Implementing 'Preconnect' for Enhanced WooCommerce Speed

  • Optimized HTTP Requests: By adding the domain name of each essential external resource in the “Add New Resource Hint” form and selecting 'Preconnect', you enable the browser to prepare these connections early. This optimization is especially impactful for external sources crucial to your site's functionality.

Why 'Preconnect' is Essential for Your WooCommerce Store

  • Reduced Resource Load Time: Preconnecting can drastically cut down the time it takes for your WooCommerce store to load external resources.
  • Improved User Experience and SEO: A faster site not only enhances the user experience but also boosts SEO rankings, as search engines favor quick-loading websites.

Mastering DNS Prefetching and Preconnect

For those looking to boost their WooCommerce store's speed, a nuanced approach to DNS prefetching and Preconnect is essential. These techniques are pivotal in optimizing site performance, but their effectiveness depends on several factors, including the complexity of your site and the nature of external resources.

Strategizing DNS Prefetching

  • Prioritize Crucial Resources: Focus on prefetching key external resources that have a significant impact on page load times, such as fonts, scripts, and CDN assets. This targeted approach ensures that critical elements are loaded swiftly.
  • Moderate Prefetching: Avoid a blanket approach. Overdoing DNS prefetching can lead to unnecessary browser load and diminished returns. Begin with a handful of vital domains and evaluate their performance impact.
  • Performance Assessment: Regularly use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or WebPageTest to gauge the effectiveness of DNS prefetching on your site. If excessive prefetching doesn't lead to performance gains, scale it back.

Incorporating Preconnect for Enhanced Optimization

  • Comprehensive Connection Setup: Preconnect is a step ahead of DNS Prefetching. It not only resolves the DNS but also establishes TCP connections and negotiates TLS — critical for HTTPS sites. This anticipatory setup reduces the time to fetch resources when needed.
  • Strategic Implementation: Utilize Preconnect for resources where early, complete connection setup will significantly cut down loading times. This is especially beneficial for resources critical to your store's functionality and user experience.

Adjusting to Browser Capabilities and Site Evolution

  • Browser Considerations: Recognize that while most modern browsers handle DNS prefetching and Preconnect well, their capabilities may vary. Tailor your approach based on your audience's predominant browser use.
  • Evolving Strategies: As your WooCommerce store grows and changes, regularly revisit and adjust your prefetching and Preconnect strategies. This ensures alignment with your current performance needs and external resources. DNS-Prefetch and Preconnect

There's no universal rule for the number of resources to prefetch or Preconnect. The focus should be on prioritizing and limiting these to the most essential resources, continuously refining based on their impact. Draw inspiration from successful strategies, like's approach of prefetching a maximum of three key external resources, and adapt them to fit your WooCommerce store's unique needs.

Continue more....

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  2. FlyingPress
  3. CheckoutWC

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